Saturday, September 14, 2013

Mars, Waypoint 1 breccia (Darwin)

Curiosity's view from Waypoint 1, across the basin of Gale Crater. Foothills of Mount Sharp at top, a smaller crater in the middle, and a larger crater partly covered by sand drifts (bluish) extending across the frame:

[original image0387MR1588005000E1_DXXX.jpg, contrast stretched to highlight structure and color differences.]

Darwin is a rock outcrop at Waypoint 1 that's getting a close look for clues relevant to the geologic and hydrologic history of Gale Crater. Below is a series of images, from very close-up, to wide angle. Apparently it is a breccia, or possibly a conglomerate:

 [original image: cropped from 0394MH0306001001C0_DXXX.jpg (see below), contrast stretched to highlight structure and color differences and sharpened.]

 [original image0394MH0306001001C0_DXXX.jpg, flat lighting (in shadow) highly contrast stretched to highlight structure and color differences.]

 [original image0394MH0190001002C0_DXXX.jpg, contrast stretched to highlight structure and color differences.]

The red rectangle, below on left, indicates the approximate field of view of the above image:

 [original imagePIA17481.jpg, contrast stretched to highlight structure and color differences.]

Hazard camera wide angle shot, with Darwin at center and Mount Sharp in background:

 [original imageFRB_432374294EDR_F0160050FHAZ00323M.jpg]

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